Recently, I rescued a bicycle.
This bicycle to be exact. And, after a few hours on google, it turns out that this little beauty is a 1960 Schwinn Racer. And I'm going to fix it.
The Goal:
To have this bicycle in riding condition by the end of the summer.
Now, to be clear, I have no experience whatsoever fixing bicycles. I'm rather handy with tools...but I've never tried something like this. So, I'll be searching google and my local bike shops for tips on what to do. That's where you come in, blog-land! I'm hoping some of you will have ideas too! For instance, what's the best way to clean the driveshaft?
There's a lot of work that needs to go into this little beauty, it needs new tires, a new chain, a new saddle and springs, a complete tune-up, an overhaul. Also, be prepared for sporadic updates. Sure, I'm done with class for now, but I'm also working, and it'll probably take me a while to drum up funds and the correct way of doing things.
I am so incredibly excited about this project!